Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Message from the President of MANAA

Dear friends,

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is over for another year, but that doesn’t mean the work stops for an organization like ours. Indeed, it feels like we are busier than ever, and that’s why I am writing to let you know about what's happening and to invite you to join the group. The month of May ended with with two very different notes for the API community. On the one hand, it was great to see that “Up” - the new Disney-Pixar movie that happens to co-star an Asian American boy named Russell - opened to strong reviews and #1 at the box office. On the other hand, I was sad to acknowledge the passing away of Ron Takaki, noted Asian American Studies scholar, and one my professors from college (anyone else read “Strangers From A Different Shore” for Intro to Asian Am. Class?).

Then there is another movie, "The Last Airbender,”which in contrast to "Up" is still very much a work in progress. We appreciate the support MANAA has received from fans to keep a spotlight on Airbender’s casting and production, and in the near future, I’ll be posting an update on how that campaign is going.

And just in case you missed it (see the posting below!), we’re co-sponsoring a panel discussion this Thursday night at the UC Irvine University Club. If you are in the Southern California area and can’t make the meetings in LA, please come meet us in person there!

Last but not least, we’re finally on Facebook! Well, we've been there, but we’re just starting to use it more now: If you can’t come out to LA or OC, then come say hi to us there! I also invite you to come connect with me at my MANAA/Facebook page. It's still very new, and you can find it using the email address

Best regards,

Phil Lee

President, MANAA

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